Wednesday, October 15, 2008

F.G.G. interview - Maria

what's your name? Maria (from Florida)

what's your bikes name? La metrayadora

what is the bike/setup you're riding (what's your gearing at least)? 42x16

how long have you been riding fixed? Almost 2 months

how long did you cycle before you converted as it were? 2 years

how has cycling changed or defined your life (if it has)? Its alot better i no longer depend on cars to take me places,i feel alot better physically and emotionally cause of it

what's the most damage you've accrued to you or yourself while riding a fixie? Luckily i havent had any injuries yet

what's your most embarrassing fixie moment? None yeett

anything else you'd like to say? I think everyone should go fixed and if not then just ride a bike!!
its a beautiful thing and alottttaa fun!!

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